Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Union Pressure

I got a fat envelope in the mail from Scoundrel Education Association inviting me to join their union. No thanks, but then I realized that even if I refuse they still take my money. "You pay an agency fee to the associations to help defray the expense of providing collective bargaining services that benefit association members and nonmembers alike." Whateva. Whereas union members pay $2.61 per workday, nonmembers pay $2.48 a day. Whateva whateva. I don't want to be part of that kind of scheme. I will keep my hard-earned $0.11!


Sander said...

Unions are such a waste. I can only imagine where our country would be right now with out them. I would like to think at least a bit better off. The auto industry would definitely be better off.

Ben said...

stay strong despite tough opposition