Friday, May 23, 2008

Book Report

The silver lining to unemployment is a surplus of time. With some of that time I have read a few books, and feel like I should share my opinions with readers of this blog (who may also like to read books.)
The Kite Runner - good, but not for the whole family.
David Copperfield - too long, and fizzles towards the end.
Reservation Road - builds up to nothing; dumb.
Thomas More's Utopia - wordy and difficult to sort through, but good.
To Kill a Mockingbird - the best one.
Moby-Dick - fun to read, symbolism was too deep for my shallow brain.
The Alchemist - ok, but I disagree with parts of it.
The Great Gatsby - I'm just getting into it, but don't like it so far.

1 comment:

Ben said...

I didn't like the Great Gatsby either.