Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cereal Love

One Christmas tradition in our home is to have extra selection of breakfast cereals. This usually causes us all to think of a cereal we haven't had in a while, and which we would love most for Christmas morning. I plan to start a poll in a week or two about this subject. My ideas for the best cereal of all time are currently Cracklin Oat Bran, Crispix, Kix, Count Chocula, and Cocoa Crispies. If I have missed a contender for this poll, please comment on this post.


Miriam said...

You missed quite a few. Cocoa Puffs, Trix, and Rice Crispies are yummalicious. :)

The Donkey said...

seriously tom??? no love for lucky charms, frosted miniwheats, and frosted flakes? And what about the classics like wheaties, cheerios, and shredded wheat? I think you need to define 'best' a bit more clearly (ie. most delicious, most likely to finish a box in one sitting, healthiest, tasty/healthy combo, etc).

Tom,Ana said...

Agreed, this poll idea isn't going to work. The question is too complex.

التفوق المثالي said...

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