Monday, July 6, 2009

The best thing about Arizona

Early Saturday morning, Ana and I were driving toward Mesa. It was sunny and warm, as per usual. There wasn't much traffic. And we noticed something so wonderful it almost brought a tear to my eye. The traffic light along the main road was flashing yellow. And the traffic lights at the intersecting side roads were flashing red. It was delightful! The few cars on the main road never stop. And when we turned left onto the main road, we just stopped long enough to make sure it was safe to proceed. I wanted to give the city planner a big hug!
My wildest dream would be for all cities all over the world to make their traffic lights this efficient. This makes sense on so many levels! Less wear and tear on your brakes, saving fuel, saving time, and even reducing your car's carbon tire-print. My dream begins with minimizing wait times at stoplights during low-traffic hours. This system of flashing yellows and flashing reds is perfect for low-traffic. Let's give it a chance!

1 comment:

Ben said...

Totally agree! If there's one thing I hate it's waiting at traffick lights when there's nobody around. In fact, I usually don't wait, I just run the lights. But by all means during low-traffic hours that's how it should be!